stackless — The built-in extension module

New in version 1.5.2.

The stackless module is the way in which programmers must access the enhanced functionality provided by Stackless-Python.



This constant defines an option flag for the function pickle_flags().

If this flag is set, a pickled tasklet contains information about the tracing and/or profiling state of the tasklet. Usually there’s no need to set this flag.

New in version 3.7.


These two constants define the option flags for the function pickle_flags().

New in version 3.7.


These constants have been added on a provisional basis (see PEP 411 for details.)


This constant defines an option flag for the function pickle_flags().

If this flag is set, Stackless-Python assumes that a Context object is pickleable. As a consequence the state information returned by tasklet.__reduce_ex__() includes the context of the tasklet.

New in version 3.7.6.


This constant has been added on a provisional basis (see PEP 411 for details.)


The main scheduling related functions:, threadblock=False, soft=False, ignore_nesting=False, totaltimeout=False)

When run without arguments, scheduling is cooperative. It us up to you to ensure your tasklets yield, perhaps by calling schedule(), giving other tasklets a turn to run. The scheduler will exit when there are no longer any runnable tasklets left within it. This might be because all the tasklets have exited, whether by completing or erroring, but it also might be because some are blocked on channels. You should not assume that when run() exits, your tasklets have all run to completion, unless you know for sure that is how you structured your application.

The optional argument timeout is primarily used to run the scheduler in a different manner, providing pre-emptive scheduling. A non-zero value indicates that as each tasklet is given a chance to run, it should only be allowed to run as long as the number of Python® virtual instructions are below this value. If a tasklet hits this limit, then it is interrupted and the scheduler exits returning the now no longer scheduled tasklet to the caller.

Example - run until 1000 opcodes have been executed:

interrupted_tasklet =
# interrupted_tasklet is no longer scheduled, reschedule it.
# Now run your custom logic.

The optional argument threadblock affects the way Stackless-Python works when channels are used for communication between threads. Normally when the scheduler has no remaining tasklets to run besides the current one, the main tasklet is reawakened. By engaging this option, if there are other running Python® threads then the current one will instead block expecting them to eventually wake it up.

The optional argument soft affects how pre-emptive scheduling behaves. When a pre-emptive interruption would normally occur, instead of interrupting and returning the running tasklet, the scheduler exits at the next convenient scheduling moment.

The optional argument ignore_nesting affects the behaviour of the attribute tasklet.nesting_level on individual tasklets. If set, interrupts are allowed at any interpreter nesting level, causing the tasklet-level attribute to be ignored.

The optional argument totaltimeout affects how pre-emptive scheduling behaves. Normally the scheduler is interrupted when any given tasklet has been running for timeout instructions. If a value is given for totaltimeout, instead the scheduler is interrupted when it has run for totaltimeout instructions.

This function can be called from any tasklet. When called without arguments, the calls nest so that the innermost call will return once the run-queue is emptied. Calls with a timeout argument however stack so that only the first one has any effect. Subsequent calls with timeout behave as though timeout were omitted. This allows a stackless application to be monitored on the outside without the inner application modifying the outer behaviour.


The most common use of this function is to call it either without arguments, or with a value for timeout.


Yield execution of the currently running tasklet. When called, the tasklet is blocked and moved to the end of the chain of runnable tasklets. The next tasklet in the chain is executed next.

If your application employs cooperative scheduling and you do not use custom yielding mechanisms built around channels, you will most likely call this in your tasklets.

Example - typical usage of schedule():


As illustrated in the example, the typical use of this function ignores both the optional argument retval and the return value. Note that as the variable name retval hints, the return value is the value of the optional argument.


Yield execution of the currently running tasklet. When called, the tasklet is blocked and removed from the chain of runnable tasklets. The tasklet following calling tasklet in the chain is executed next.

The most likely reason to use this, rather than schedule(), is to build your own yielding primitive without using channels. This is where the otherwise ignored optional argument retval and the return value are useful.

tasklet.tempval is used to store the value to be returned, and as expected, when this function is called it is set to retval. Custom utility functions can take advantage of this and set a new value for tasklet.tempval before reinserting the tasklet back into the scheduler.

Example - a utility function:

def wait_for_result():
    return stackless.schedule_remove()

def event_callback(result):
    for tasklet in waiting_tasklets:
        tasklet.tempval = result

    waiting_tasklets = []

def tasklet_function():
    result = wait_for_result()
    print("received result", result)

One drawback of this approach over channels, is that it bypasses the useful tasklet.block_trap attribute. The ability to guard against a tasklet being blocked on a channel, is in practice a useful ability to have.

Callback related functions:


Install a global channel callback. Every send or receive action will result in callable being called. Setting a value of None will result in the callback being disabled. The function returns the previous channel callback or None if none was installed.

Example - installing a callback:

def channel_cb(channel, tasklet, sending, willblock):


The channel callback argument is the channel on which the action is being performed.

The tasklet callback argument is the tasklet that is performing the action on channel.

The sending callback argument is an integer, a non-zero value of which indicates that the channel action is a send rather than a receive.

The willblock callback argument is an integer, a non-zero value of which indicates that the channel action will result in tasklet being blocked on channel.


Get the current global channel callback. The function returns the current channel callback or None if none was installed.


Install a callback for scheduling. Every scheduling event, whether explicit or implicit, will result in callable being called. The function returns the previous channel callback or None if none was installed.

Example - installing a callback:

def schedule_cb(prev, next):


The prev callback argument is the tasklet that was just running.

The next callback argument is the tasklet that is going to run now.


During the execution of the scheduler callback the return value of getcurrent() and the value of current are implementation defined. You are not allowed to execute any methods, that change the state of stackless for the current thread.


Get the current global schedule callback. The function returns the current schedule callback or None if none was installed.

Scheduler state introspection related functions:


Return a tuple containing the threads main tasklet, current tasklet and run-count.


main_tasklet, current_tasklet, runcount = get_thread_info(thread_id)

Return the currently executing tasklet of this thread.


Return the main tasklet of this thread.


Return the number of currently runnable tasklets.


modify the switch trap level. Returns its previous value.

When the switch trap level is non-zero, any tasklet switching, e.g. due channel action or explicit, will result in a RuntimeError being raised. This can be useful to demark code areas that are supposed to run without switching, e.g.:

stackless.switch_trap(1) # increase the trap level

Pickling related functions:

stackless.pickle_flags_default(new_default=-1, mask=-1)

Get and set the per interpreter default value for pickle-flags.

A number of option flags control various aspects of Stackless-Python pickling behaviour. See pickle_flags() for details.

Whenever Python® initialises a thread state, it copies the default-value to the thread state. Use function pickle_flags() to get and set the flags of the current thread only.

  • new_default (int) – The new default value for pickle-flags

  • mask (int) – A bit mask, that indicates the valid bits in argument “new_default”


the previous default value for pickle-flags

Return type



ValueError – if you try to set undefined bits

To inquire the value without changing it, omit the arguments (or set them to -1).

New in version 3.7.

stackless.pickle_flags(new_flags=-1, mask=-1)

Get and set per thread pickle-flags.

A number of option flags control various aspects of Stackless-Python pickling behaviour. Symbolic names for the flags are supplied as module constants, which can be bitwise ORed together and passed to this function.

Currently the following pickle option flags are defined:

All other bits must be set to 0.

  • new_flags (int) – The new value for pickle-flags of the current thread

  • mask (int) – A bit mask, that indicates the valid bits in argument “new_flags”


the previous value of pickle-flags of the current thread

Return type



ValueError – if you try to set undefined bits

To inquire the value without changing it, omit the arguments (or set them to -1).

New in version 3.7.

Debugging related functions:


Control the switching behaviour. Tasklets can be either switched by moving C stack slices around or by avoiding stack changes at all. The latter is only possible in the top interpreter level. This flag exists once for the whole process. For inquiry only, use None as the flag. By default, soft switching is enabled.

Example - safely disabling soft switching:

old_value = stackless.enable_softswitch(False)
# Logic executed without soft switching.


Disabling soft switching in this manner is exposed for timing and debugging purposes.


Rather unusually, the module contains attributes for convenient access to some methods. Since this is not general practice and involves some hacks to attain, please consider this deprecated. Use the corresponding module functions instead.


The currently executing tasklet of this thread. Equivalent function: getcurrent().


The main tasklet of this thread. Equivalent function: getmain().


The number of currently runnable tasklets.

Example - usage:

>>> stackless.runcount


The minimum value of runcount will be 1, as the calling tasklet will be included.

Equivalent function: getruncount().


A list of all thread ids, starting with the id of the main thread.

Example - usage:

>>> stackless.threads

A boolean value, that indicates if a pickled tasklet contains information about the tracing and/or profiling state of the tasklet.

Deprecated since version 3.7: It is now possible to use pickle_flags_default() and pickle_flags() with PICKLEFLAGS_PRESERVE_TRACING_STATE. This attribute is now a wrapper around pickle_flags_default() and pickle_flags().


exception TaskletExit

This exception is used to silently kill a tasklet. It should not be caught by your code, and along with other important exceptions like SystemExit, be propagated up to the scheduler.

The following use of the except clause should be avoided:


This will catch every exception raised within it, including TaskletExit. Unless you guarantee you actually raise the exceptions that should reach the scheduler, you are better to use except in the following manner:

except Exception:

Here only the more common exceptions are caught, as the ones that should not be caught and discarded inherit from BaseException, rather than Exception.

This class is derived from SystemExit. It is defind in the modules exceptions and __builtin__.


class stackless.atomic

This is a context manager class to help with setting up atomic sections.

Use it like this:

with stackless.atomic():

Its definition is equivalent to the following, only faster:

def atomic():
    old = stackless.getcurrent().set_atomic(True)